My arty friends keep telling me to read Get the Picture by Bianca Bosker, but I think this newsletter finally convinced me! "Beauty is that moment when your mind jumps the curb." -- what a perfect sentence. That's going in my commonplace book today.

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It's quite good!

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Oct 8Liked by Rob Walker

Love the suggestion about remaining in a heightened state of awareness outside a museum. I will say from my own experience that some museums are far more conducive to this sort of thing than others. Pop Art and very conceptual art really gets me looking at fire hydrants and hot dog carts with fresh eyes…. The Broad in Los Angeles is unparalleled for this sort of post-museum experience. I sort of like that post-museum experience better than I like the contents of the Broad itself…

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Good point! And embarrassed to say I have not been to the Broad.

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Several times in four decades of trying to write professionally, I have gone to an art museum and just, well, *sat*. Just plopped myself down on one of those stone/marble benches where there's nothing to look at but a single artwork... and, well, done something *more*: took out a little journal and just wrote for 15-20 minutes, without thinking much about anything but the painting, sculpture, or what-have-you. It's easy to think of those benches as just places to sit, but I try to regard them as launching pads.

Taking that mindset and the behavior outside the museum seems ridiculously simple -- too simple to be worth much -- but I bet this is one case where seeming isn't *being*. Thanks so much, Rob!

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Bench as launching pad -- Nice!

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Oct 8Liked by Rob Walker

Hot dog cart as art—I love this. I would add to this concept that hot dog carts are a cultural touch stone in danger of disappearing like the dodo bird, phone booths on every corner and general stores. Years ago during the Christmas season, I visited NYC and was excited to buy roasted chestnuts on the street. They were hot in their paper sack and I hoarded them in my coat pocket for a short while to serve as hand warmers til they cooled. Can I recall that stainless steel cart? I cannot but the thrill of a seasonal treat that thrilled several of my senses is my fondest nyc visit memory. So, yes! It’s all art! Someone designed that hot dog cart to be low maintenance, long lasting and aerodynamic and more. Thank you for the necessary reminder. (I’m never reading those boring strips of paper next to pieces of art ever again).

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Well said Carol, thanks so much for this!

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Congratulations on your milestone, Rob! I try not to have regrets and just start fresh every day.

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Oct 13Liked by Rob Walker

I have a galley of Get the Picture, so this bumped it up my virtual pile by a few orders of magnitude. The hot dog cart idea reminds me of what happens whenever I go to Storm King, a huge outdoor sculpture/installation park in downstate NY—I walk out of there and EVERYTHING looks like a giant piece of art: cranes, billboards, stone cuttings for roads, farmers' fields...

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I think you'll like the book, especially the last third. And yes, that's exactly the spirit (your post Storm King experience)!

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Oct 10Liked by Rob Walker

I love those ideas about art-the art of noticing of course!

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Loving the idea of taking the museum mindset to my everyday world!

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Oct 9Liked by Rob Walker

I am a docent at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, and I often cover the wall text with my hand when I'm showing visitors an artwork. I practice this myself when I am looking at a new and unfamiliar piece of art. Also, I try to remind myself to look at everyday things and objects as though they are interesting compositions (which they often are!!). Great way in which to get our faces out of our phones!

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Oct 9Liked by Rob Walker

Check out Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) for fresh ways of looking

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Oct 9Liked by Rob Walker

I would suggest to museum goers that they look with their he-arts and see!

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I loved Get the Picture. Of all her art world immersive shenanigans I loved the museum guard gig section the most for the reasons you mention. Congrats on 50k— the world needs more people paying close attention!

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Thank you!

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Oct 8Liked by Rob Walker

I love it when the "perceptions are amped up". It's a bit like travelling to a new city or town. You are so excited to discover things that are just a little different from what you are used to seeing at home. I guess it's the drug that fuels me to keep exploring and to amp up my curiosity and engagement in the little (or big) things life has to offer.

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