I miss the sound of my father's voice. The strange thing is, I can't pull it up in my memory. I have aphantasia which effects pretty much all of my senses. If I heard his voice, I may know it, but he's been gone for 33 years. One of my last memories of him was the weekend before he passed away. We went out of dinner and sat chatting abou…
I miss the sound of my father's voice. The strange thing is, I can't pull it up in my memory. I have aphantasia which effects pretty much all of my senses. If I heard his voice, I may know it, but he's been gone for 33 years. One of my last memories of him was the weekend before he passed away. We went out of dinner and sat chatting about his retirement and he was guessing what his company would give him as a gift. A friend of his received a new set of golf clubs and he thought he would get them too. I knew that they were going to give him a golf cart for my parents to drive around in in Arizona.
I miss the sound of my father's voice. The strange thing is, I can't pull it up in my memory. I have aphantasia which effects pretty much all of my senses. If I heard his voice, I may know it, but he's been gone for 33 years. One of my last memories of him was the weekend before he passed away. We went out of dinner and sat chatting about his retirement and he was guessing what his company would give him as a gift. A friend of his received a new set of golf clubs and he thought he would get them too. I knew that they were going to give him a golf cart for my parents to drive around in in Arizona.
Memory is so tricky, but savor the memories you have! And thanks