Not many words today — just some pictures.
I don’t know why I started doing this, but for several years now, when I encounter a discarded or otherwise-public mirror while walking or biking, I take a street-mirror selfie. At some point this became (in my head) a “project,” albeit a very sparse one with no real goal. After all, how often does one randomly encounter such a thing? Not often.
But now I get so excited when I notice a street mirror!

Admittedly I am hard to spot in that last one. But it’s the one that made me think, “Hey I should see how many of these I’ve got now.” And I’m glad I did. The unplanned, no-goal, random nature of the “pointless” project is exactly what makes it fun. And that’s the point.
Got one of your own?
Sharing one randomly overheard song that I’ve enjoyed lately: Little unexpected bursts of delightful music are definitely things I savor.
I’m pretty sure this came up during an episode of Resident Alien, and I Shazamed it:
As always, I value your feedback (suggestions, critiques, positive reinforcement, constructive insults, etc.), as well as your tips or stories or personal noticing rituals, things we need a word for, and of course your icebreakers: Or use the comments.
And thanks for reading …
rw | NB: I use (some) Amazon Affiliate links
All this by Rob Walker PO Box 171, 748 Mehle St., Arabi LA 70032
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My wife and I have been traveling in our van for the past year or so. Our first national park was Glacier and we entered at 6am. We took a picture of the entry sign but since it was so dark it came out really blurry and we didn’t feel like retaking it, so now every park we enter we take a bad picture out of the window. It’s our “shitty park sign picture” project
yep. I started something called Notes From A Bathroom. totally pointless.